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Florian Brenner

Software Test/Development Engineer


  • Oct. 2017 – Sep. 2019: DHBW Center for Advanced Studies, Computer Science, Heilbronn, Germany
    • Degree: Master of Science, emphasis: Computing and communications
    • Final grade: 1.3 (A/95%)
  • Oct. 2011 – Sep. 2014: Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Applied Computer Science, Stuttgart, Germany
    • Degree: Bachelor of Science, emphasis: Communications
    • Final grade: 1.6 (A-/90%)
  • Sep. 2003 – Jun. 2011: Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium, Abitur (Year 12 Certificate of Education), Ludwigsburg, Germany
    • Subjects: Mathematics, German, English, Chemistry
    • Final grade: 1.5 (A-/92%)